
The history of Robertini Mixed Drinks.

The Robertini concept was born in the metropolis Berlin where we also found our logo ‘Die Quadriga', it represents power, innovation and victory.

Living in this great city for several months a year, the four-in-hand chariot of the goddess of victory caught our eye.

This Quadriga of the Brandenburger Tor is a hero in Prussian history and we chose this symbol as our logo to conquer the world with our top-quality products.

Pariser Platz (centre of Berlin )

The Brandenburger Tor, built during the period 1788-1791, is the architectural completion of Unter den Linden, diagonally across from the splendid five-star Adlon-Kempinski Hotel. At the inauguration in 1791 it was given the name ‘Frieden Tor'. Carl Gotthard Langhans built this monumental structure with a height of 26 metres and a width of 65 metres, its sandstone gate with Dorian pillars enclosed by the two wings, modelled after the propylaeum in Athens and so initiated the Berlin classicism.

The Brandenburget Tor is the only remaining gate of Berlin 's eighteen town gates. The Quadriga, designed by Johan Gottfried Schadows is the symbol of the goddess of victory in an ancient chariot, drawn by a four-in-hand. In 1807 Napoleon had the Quadriga moved to Paris : after the war ended it was returned to its original site in 1814. The history of this chariot moved us to choose it as the logo of our company.

BERLIN Centre – Zoo, 2006


Robert Marcel de Vries

General manager Robertini Mixed Drinks